A Problem Family
Terry Wickenden illustrates the problems that can be presented when researching a family
Terry Wickenden illustrates the problems that can be presented when researching a family
To celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrim Fathers’ voyage to the New World we take a look at Berkshire’s connection.
Fred Waite continues the story of a much-travelled ancestor - William Watkins Waite and his travelling family
Eric Saxton tells the story of an East Ilsley man who was caught up in Dunkirk
Elizabeth Lloyd delves into her heritage, "sparked by the stories my Grandma told me of the forest of masts she could see over the roofs when she grew up in Rotherhithe in the 1890s."
Tim Powys-Lybbe asks can I verify some of the ancestry of Annie Powys, my great-great grandmother?
Catherine Sampson takes a look at some local men’s experiences in the Far East. VJ Day has always been something of a poor relation to VE Day, yet many Berkshire villages had men who were in the Far East, Purley included. Several villagers, including subsequent incomers, would laterbriefly recall their ordeal in the camps, including one of Purley’s rectors.