September 1998

Thomas Gardiner, preacher and miller; four manly boys; Reading cemetery tales from tombstones; did your grandmother go to Kendrick?

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June 1998

The Watchfield horror; song collecting NW Berks 1914-16; Samuel Blackall; John Rosamund, highwayman

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March 1998

Haddaway children orphaned 1837; patronage and nepotism; Hemdean Road cemetery MIs; Waltham fete 1930

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September 1997

Life and death in a Victorian village; riot at the Red Lion, Purley; missing children of John Robert Dance; Wokingham "Louse Town"; Hamstead Marshall; William Savory pt II

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June 1997

Berkshire folk in heraldic court cases; Henry Lucas; Henry Sealey; Hamstead Marshall; William Savory, surgeon; who was Great Grandma Giles?

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