June 2024

In this issue: Highlight on Kintbury; Newbury's Cunning Woman; US Social Security Number Applications; What Can You Find on Our Website?

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March 2024

In this issue: When My GGG-Great Aunt Terrified the Queen; Thomas Willats of Reading; The John Willis Family of Maryland; The Butlers of Inkpen

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December 2023

In this issue: Around Berkshire V-Z; Meet My Grandad: Old King Cole; Bullock, Malthouse and Montague; 3 Guineas and a Wooden Bowl

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September 2023

In this issue: Around Berkshire S-U, Society news & AGM round-up, Agricultural Associations in Victorian Berkshire, One Man's Life in Newspapers

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June 2023

Inside this issue: - The Future of British Genealogy in Berkshire According to ChatGPT - Around Berkshire N-R - Society News - Who Were the Sopers?

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March 2023

Inside this issue: A Convict and his Bride, Around Berkshire J-M, Recording Names for YourTrees, Society Updates and Celebrations

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December 2022

Inside this issue: Berkshire Agricultural Labourers, RAF Memories form WW2, Around Berkshire (G-I), Ownership of World Tree

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