Reading Branch meeting 29th October 2020, conducted on Zoom

Speaker: Members – Peter Caton, Richard Brown, Richard Croker and Graham Vockins

Peter Caton chose a 200 year old jug which had been handed down through the family from an Aunt Emily. He had researched documents which involved not one but three marriages by one ancestor. He again reestablished links to the entertainer Wattie Hildyard of whom Peter had previously spoken. 

Richard Brown told members of his Grandmother’s WW1 Medal. Emily Brown was born in the Parish where Charles Kingsley was a Minister in 1869. Through various links with Thorneycroft engineering. the London General Omnibus company and the College Arms pub in Pamber End. Emily joined the V.A.D. as a Nurse in 1915 and  clocked up 3457 hours of unpaid voluntary service.

Richard Croker spoke of Lorne Campbell Reid, the Stepfather of his mother and his piece of memorabilia was a small wooden box engraved JC to Lorne Reid. Via the internet he managed to get a framed image of this Scottish surgeon. During his talk Richard demonstrated the differences between Scottish and English record keeping.

Graham Vockins chose a photograph posted on Facebook recently. This was a Blacksmith outside of his forge and his name was Frederick William Vockins Brown. Born out of wedlock to Rhoda Brown who married Frederick William Vockins ten years and another child after Fred junior’s birth. Coincidences during the search to link this person to his tree took Graham back to his place of birth and discovery that FWV Brown later married the Aunt of his father’s sister’s husband.

Picture of Vicki
