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17 Mar 2025
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Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily List
March 2025

Drovers’ Roads in Oxfordshire and Beyond

Join writer Tim Healey for a talk on drovers', their lives, favourite pubs, wilderness paths they travelled and the tell-tale marks they left behind, including the stir they caused driving wild ponies through Abingdon.
Mon 17 Mar
19:30 - 21:30
Abingdon Branch
Long Furlong Community Centre, Boulter Drive, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 1XP

Historical Newbury Walk Sold Out

This circular walk around Newbury will provide an insight into the fascinating history of the town, from its Norman foundations to present day. Its buildings tell the story of the town's economic foundation on the cloth trade and its importance as a stopping point in the two-day journey between London and Bath. Other important buildings include the 15th century St Nicolas Church.  
Tue 18 Mar
14:00 - 15:30
Newbury Town Centre
Start point to be confirmed

Drop In Advice Session

Bring your questions, problems and ‘brickwalls’ … and get some new ideas and advice from members of the Berkshire Family History Society.
Tue 25 Mar
14:00 - 16:30
Wokingham Library
Carnival Hub, Wellington Road, Wokingham, RG40 2AF

A Walk on the Thames Path Oxford – Pangbourne

This is a stunning section of the Thames as it meanders its way through the countryside and past villages and towns with particularly interesting histories.   Bill is a popular speaker to the Society and his journey along the Thames is richly illustrated with images. This is the last of three talks in the Winter Potpourri Talks Series.
Thu 27 Mar
14:00 - 15:15
Zoom Video Conference

Book Fair

If "history" is your thing - then come along and grab a bargain. We have lots of secondhand books covering social, family, local, military and transport history for sale. Plus we will also have some of our extensive bookshop of new books, maps and publications available to purchase, including our data CDs. The book fair lasts for three hours, and you'll be able to buy refreshments whilst you ponder your purchases.
Sat 29 Mar
11:00 - 14:00
The Centre for Heritage & Family History
2nd Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 3BQ
April 2025

April Natter Group

Informal discussion group, facilitated by Chad Hanna and Gillian Stevens. Topics are chosen by the group on a monthly basis. End time varies. Free to attend, but pre-booking required. 
Tue 01 Apr
Zoom Video Conference

Create an enduring family tree in YourTrees

Create a comprehensive enduring family tree, that is relevant to the digital generations, and store a copy on YourTrees. The workshop is aimed at those who have already saved versions of their tree(s) on YourTrees, those that are thinking of doing so, or wondering whether they should. 
Wed 02 Apr
19:00 - 21:30
Zoom Video Conference

DNA Special Interest Group (April)

This special interest discussion group is aimed at those wanting to get the most out of their DNA results. It is facilitated by international DNA expert, Debbie Kennett. Sessions are held quarterly, but there is no obligation to attend on a regular basis. First time attendees are always welcomed. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and to gain and share ideas for how you can use your results to solve questions and break down brick walls.
Sat 05 Apr
14:30 - 16:30
Zoom Video Conference

Face-to-Face Family History Advice Clinic

Just beginning your family history research and need some advice? Baffled by so many competing research websites? Banging your head against a brick wall? Or struggling with some other issues? In this one-to-one session, one of our seasoned advisors will help you make some progress
Mon 07 Apr
11:00 - 12:00
The Centre for Heritage & Family History
2nd Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 3BQ

Tours of St George’s Chapel, Windsor, and St George’s Archives

This visit to St George's Chapel and St George's Archives is organised by Windsor Branch as part of the special events to celebrate the 50th birthday of Berkshire Family History Society. It is open to members and non-members alike. Enjoy a tour of both places with experts in their history. 
Mon 07 Apr
14:00 - 16:30
Windsor, St George's Chapel
Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 1NJ

Wills Workshop

This interactive workshop is spread across two sessions one week apart. The second session will allow time for students to bring up some specific questions relating to their research. It will give you a solid basis for researching wills and probate records in England and Wales. Much of this will apply throughout the English-speaking world.
Tue 08 Apr
19:00 - 21:30
Zoom Video Conference

Baptists in Newbury

This talk is aimed at providing the background to the history of the Baptist church movement in England from its beginnings in the early 17th century to modern times. The structure of the Baptist Church movement can make this quite challenging but not impossible. We will look at the origins of Baptist Christians, how they […]
Wed 09 Apr
14:00 - 16:00
West Berkshire Museum
The Wharf, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5AS
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