Forenames and What They Can Reveal About Ancestors
Alongside traditional forenames that have been used across many generations, birth, marriage and death records reveal that there have always been some parents who selected non-standard names. Our speaker became interested in the use of such names after discovering several whilst researching her family tree. This inspired her to conduct her own extensive research into the topic, which enabled her to identify particular naming patterns. She links this into wider social history, considering what the use of certain names might reveal about individual parents, the community, or the times in which they lived.
Scope of the talk
The talk focuses on the period, c1750 – c1950. It covers the main types of forename that she has identified, including tribute names, commemorative names and localised names. It looks at the inspiration for these names, their rise (and decline), what they may indicate to a historian about social class or wider society, and the effect that an unusual forename might have on the bearer.
This talk about unusual forenames is suitable for family historians or for general interest groups. It usually generates wide-ranging discussion amongst attendees.
This talk is free to members of Berkshire Family History Society, and we request a donation of £5 from non-members. Pre-booking is required, because the meeting link will be emailed in advance. Booking ends one day before event.
Denise BatesHistorian and writer.
Denise Bates is a Midlands-based writer on social and family history who has written three books and contributed to programmes on BBC Radio 4 and Channel 5, as well as publishing numerous articles in family history magazines. She has given talks to several family history societies and is a Family History Federation speaker.