Breach of Promise to Marry – The Real Miss Havishams
Meet the law that gave nineteenth century women better rights than men, and the women who enforced their rights to sometimes devastating effect.
Breach of Promise to Marry investigates the social and cultural history of broken engagements between 1780 -1970 and why the law allowed the person who had been jilted to claim damages from the person who had broken the engagement.
The book is based on the speaker’s original research in contemporary newspapers and literature to discover who were the real Miss Havishams, why they found different endings to their fictional counterpart and what their experiences reveal about social attitudes towards
broken engagements.
This talk is free to members of Berkshire Family History Society and we request a donation of £5 from non-members. Pre-booking is required, because the meeting link will emailed in advance. Booking ends one day before event.
To join in this branch meeting, you will need a computer device which has a microphone and speakers. Ideally, also a webcam. You also need to be able to access emails from this device. First time users will be asked to download a small piece of software to join the meeting. The meeting link will be emailed to you in advance. Technical help is available for those who need further assistance, please contact .
Denise BatesHistorian and writer.
Denise Bates is a Midlands-based writer on social and family history who has written three books and contributed to programmes on BBC Radio 4 and Channel 5, as well as publishing numerous articles in family history magazines. She has given talks to several family history societies and is a Family History Federation speaker.