1-1 Merchant Navy Advice Session

Do you have Merchant Navy ancestors and need some advice as to how to trace or interpret their records? 

Our  specialist family history advice sessions are always popular.  They are 1-1, free of cost and available to members and non-members alike. These particular Merchant Navy sessions are online, using Zoom technology – so you can book a session, wherever you live in the world. 

You may book a 30 minute slot with our adviser, three 1-1 slots are available in this session:

Slot 1: 14.00 – 14.30

Slot 2: 14.40 – 15.10

Slot 3: 15.20 – 15.50

Pre-booking is required because full joining instructions will be emailed to attendees in advance. You will also be asked to confirm the advice you are seeking, so that we can make the session as useful as possible for you. Bookings close three days before the event. Please have digital copies of any certificates etc you would like help with available to share on screen. 

To take part in an advice slot you will need a computer device with speakers. Ideally, also a webcam and microphone. You also need to be able to access the internet from it. First-time users of Zoom, will be asked to download a small piece of software, which will be sent in advance. Technical help is available, please contact booking@berksfhs.org.uk 

To book – scroll down.

Book Event

Form/ticket icon icon
Slot 1: 14.00 - 14.30
Form/up small icon icon Form/down small icon icon
Available Tickets: 1

For members and non-members of Berkshire Family History Society

The "Slot 1: 14.00 - 14.30" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
Form/ticket icon icon
Slot 2: 14.40 - 15.10
Form/up small icon icon Form/down small icon icon
Available Tickets: 0

For members and non-members of Berkshire Family History Society

The "Slot 2: 14.40 - 15.10" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
Form/ticket icon icon
15.20 - 15.50
Form/up small icon icon Form/down small icon icon
Available Tickets: 0

For members and non-members of Berkshire Family History Society

The " 15.20 - 15.50" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
Total: 0


Mon 14 Oct 2024


14:00 - 16:00


Zoom Video Conference


The Centre - Berkshire FHS
Book Now!


  • Tony Wright
    Tony Wright

    Tony is a veteran family historian with a special interest in the history and records of the merchant navy.
    Tony’s expertise in computer software programmes and datasets has also led him to developing an expertise in family history websites. As the Society’s Database Manager he regularly supplies transcription data to Findmypast. He has worked on the county-wide CDs Berkshire Baptisms, Berkshire Marriages, Berkshire Burials, Berkshire Probate, Berkshire War Memorials, and Berkshire and the War. Most recently he has developed data download products for the Society.