About this page

You can use this page to manage events, although the options for filtering and searching events that are available in the backend are lacking here, which means heavyweight management needs to be done in the backend.

But adding new events is much simpler here than in the backend and it's recommended you use it, because all the unused fields (there are many) have been stripped from this version. You can add a new event using the Add New button. The are two things you need to bear in mind

  1. Event images have to be uploaded from your PC - you cannot access the WordPress media library. With this in mind we have created a media library on the Synology NAS - please contact Paul for access
  2. Speakers and locations cannot be added here, you have to create them in the backend first

Next to each event listed below are icons that will let you delete, view and download an attendees list respectively. 

Please Login/Register in order to manage events.