Bells and Bricks (two Wokingham Industries)

Church bells were cast in Wokingham between the mid 1300s and the early 1600s. The foundry is long gone, but some of the bells cast there are still in use. Furthermore, the bellfounding methods used today can be traced back to the way mediaeval founders worked. Brick making thrived in Wokingham during the 19th and early 20th centuries, with some works producing millions of bricks per year. The brick works too are long gone but they left their mark.

This talk describes these traditional Wokingham and Berkshire industries and how they changed over time, together with an overview of how their products were used.

This is the second of three talks in the Summer Potpourri Talks Series. The other talks take place on 25th July and 26th September.You may book tickets for individual events or for all three talks in the series for a reduced price.  

To book

Pre-booking is required, because the event link will be sent in advance.                             

To join this talk, you will need a computer device with speakers. Ideally, also a webcam and microphone. You also need to be able to access the internet from it. First-time users of Zoom, will be asked to download a small piece of software, which will be sent in advance.                                                                                                                                      

To book – scroll down.


Thu 22 Aug 2024


14:00 - 15:15




Zoom Video Conference


The Centre - Berkshire FHS


  • John Harrison
    John Harrison

    John Harrison has been a ringer for sixty years, holding national, regional and local offices. He has published extensively on ringing related topics, including Bells and Bellringing for Shire Books, and a history of ringing in Wokingham.

    He began observing brickwork while he was at Cambridge, when a friend explained the differences between various brick bonds. This led to a lifetime of observation, supplemented by reading, a couple of courses, a bit of research and collecting quite a lot of bricks. He is a member of the British Brick Society. He shares what he has learned through his website and by giving talks.

    He has many other interests (see and gives talks on many other subjects. Before retiring he was a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Ergonomist.