Making Payment

You can make your payment in three ways. In order of convenience for you and us, here they are

1: By Card

Payment by card is our preferred method. It is by far the quickest. Your renewal will be processed immediately and automatically with no need for human intervention. Please pay by card wherever possible to ensure that your access to member-only content is uninterrupted.

2: By Cheque

We prefer card payment because processing cheques use a lot of precious volunteer time. Please only pay by cheque if you cannot pay by card.

To pay by cheque you will need to:

  • download and print an application form
  • complete the form
  • send the form and cheque to our Membership Secretary
Please be careful to follow the instructions on the renewal form and remember to sign your cheque!
Cheques must be issued from a UK bank account.

In person

When the Centre is open you can pay in person by card, cheque or cash.


If you have a standing order in place, please instruct your bank to cancel it. We cannot do this for you - your bank is not allowed to accept instructions from us, nor can we automatically reject SO payments - there is no mechanism.

Any payment received by standing order will be treated as a donation to the society and will not confer any membership rights.