It All Started With A Letter From Colditz – talk by Christine Wootton

Report on the joint meeting of Bracknell & Wokingham Branch with Abingdon Branch                                                                                                            by Bryan Pledger A few years ago Radley History Club was given a letter sent from Colditz Castle, a prisoner of war camp during WW2, which was written by Charles Lockett to his wife Evelyn who lived in their rented home in Radley.  Stanley Baker the club’s archivist asked Christine whether she would like to research who Charles Lockett was.    Christine discovered that Charles was born at ‘The Woodlands’ on the Welsh Road at Childer Thornton, Wirral, in Cheshire in 1910.  He joined the RAF in 1931 and married Evelyn Mason in 1933.  After the marriage…

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